When life gets in the way.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Life has been a bit manic recently resulting in me being slightly m.i.a from my blog. 
If you follow me on instagram or twitter you will know that Glen and I headed back up north with Glens parents and brother to spend the Easter weekend with my parents and sister. On Friday morning Glen made me the happiest girl ever and asked me to be his wife. Three weeks on I still feel like I am on cloud nine. Once we got back we arranged a party with family and close friends. Glens dad very kindly made our engagement cakes for us. I requested a heart shaped chocolate sponge cake and left the rest up to him. Glen and I were over the moon with our cakes and they went down extremely well with everyone at the party as well. I was also given some gorgeous flowers from Glen on the night of our party. 

I have some posts written which just need photos adding to them then they are good to go. Project house and project wedding are our two main focuses at the minute. 

I can not wait to become Mrs Vine. 

I hope you are all well. I promise I will be back in the swing of things soon. 


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