What I Got For Christmas 2015.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Christmas 2015 was one of the best Christmases for me, Glen and I travelled back to Sunderland to surprise my parents and spend Christmas with them. Spending Christmas back in my home time was one of the best things about my Christmas but I have picked out a few of my favourite gifts to share with you all. I am not bragging in the slightest but this year I was extremely spoilt and feel incredibly lucky to have received such lovely gifts from both sides of our families. 
My sister spoils me all year round but for Christmas she bought me some lovely personal gifts including a print of a quote which pretty much sums me up, 'And though she be but little she is fierce - William Shakespeare.' She put it in a gorgeous rose gold frame as well. Along with the print she bought me a frame with a photo of both of us from my birthday, a penguin cup from Cath Kidston which is such cute, my 2016 planner which I am now obsessed with and some emoji stationary to go with it which is amazing. Emoji stickers are the best. She also bought me some candles and lots more. 
Glen went above and beyond this year and earned some serious fiancé points ;). We both do a stocking for each other, this year mine consisted of candles, chocolate and makeup. What more could a girl want. Once stockings were done it was time to open main presents. Glen sneakily wrapped all my presents individually, popped them in a box then wrapped the box. The first present I opened was a set of makeup brushes that I had popped on my amazon wish list. I was tempted to ask for the rose gold Zoeva set but knowing there aren't exactly cheap I opted for some I found on amazon. I then opened a couple of Nars which I couldn't not believe, I had popped them on my list but did not expect to receive them. Next came the item I had put on my list in the hope Santa aka Glen would pop it under the tree for Christmas, The Laura Mercier Ambre Vanille Set. There was one more present let in the box..... ZOEVA ROSE GOLD MAKEUP BRUSHES. He had listened to me bang on about them so much that he bought them for me.
It is a bit of a tradition that we all save one present to give someone once we have had dinner. Once dinner was finished and we were all stuffed it was time for round two of presents. Glen had already outdone himself so when he presented me with one last present I had no idea what it could be. As I started to open it I relieved a gold box with Tom Ford on it. He had only gone and bought me Tom Ford Black Orchid. To say I was spoilt is a bit of an understatement. 
Every year my sister and I get money as our main present from our mam and dad to spend on whatever we want and my mam makes my sister and I a basket full of smellies with things like deodorant, shower gel, bath bombs etc etc. This year my parents also bought me things like PJs, penguin and minion related items and a Starbucks cup as it is tradition that I get one for Christmas every year. This year they bought me the limited edition travel cup which has a beautiful design on it. They also bought me a super soft penguin blanket. 
My in-laws also bought me some lovely presents. From my mother and father in-law I received a lovely new bag, new phone case, minion dvd, some smellies and a Jo Malone Christmas cracker which I was super grateful to receive. From the rest of Glens side of the family I received some candles, dvds, a scarf, a penguin cushion (they know me well), some headphones I wanted and a gorgeous pair of Pandora star earrings. 

As you can see I was well and truly spoilt this year and I am extremely grateful for everything I received. 

What did you receive for Christmas? 


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