Luxury Wish List.

Monday, February 01, 2016

We all have that one list of items that we would love to purchase if money was not an issue or something we plan on saving up for. My list consists of beauty, fashion and lifestyle bits on. Being a bit of an apple geek of course there had to be some technology items on my list.
Lets take a look at what I am currently swooning after. 
Apple MacBook Air
We have a Mac but I am defiantly lusting after a MacBook. 
Mulberry Bayswater
My all time favourite bag and defiantly a bag I want to own at some point in my life time. 
Apple Watch
As I mentioned earlier I am a bit of an apple geek and have watched a few youtube videos about the apple watch and would love to own one to go along side my Iphone 6.
Burberry Classic Cashmere Scarf in Heritage Check
Perfection in a scarf in my eyes and you can get it monogrammed. 
There had to be a beauty item on my wish list. A box of 10 Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks, What more could a girl want?!

What is on your luxury wish list? 

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