24 Things I've Learnt In 24 Years!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Yesterday I turned 24. It seems like only yesterday that I turned 18. 

1 - It's okay for your sister and other half to be your best friend. 
2 - It's okay to not know what carer you want.
3 - Life gets busy.
4 - It's okay to ask for simple life advice from your parents. 
5 - Getting your own place is scary but so worth it. 
6 - Always take your make-up off even if it's with a face wipe.
7 - Skincare is important - Thanks sis. 
8 - Pizza and cake is always a good idea. 
9 - Use your expensive products. You bought them to use, not just sit there and look pretty.
10 - It's okay to have some me time. 
11 - Everything happens for a reason.
12 - Don't underestimate meal planning. 
13 - Saturday nights in are the new Saturday nights out. 
14 - Spending all day Sunday in your PJs is totally acceptable. 
15 - Ring your parents just for a chat. Never take them for granted. 
16 - Face your fears.
17 - Never go to sleep on an argument. 
18 - Sometimes you have to put things in the fuck it bucket and start again. 
19 - It's okay to only find your love for cooking at the age of 23. 
20 - It's okay to spend hours just wandering round TKMAXX.
21 - It's okay to wear your first bikini at 23 and not give a fuck what anyone else thinks. 
22 - Always make time for date night.
23 - It is okay to cry. 
24 - No matter how old you are it is okay to just need a hug. 


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