Liebster Awards

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Liebster Awards are an award going around for bloggers who are not as well known as the bigger bloggers out there. I would like to thank Lola from and Nina from for the nominations. 

The rules of the award are:
Thank and link the person who nominated you.
Answer the nominators questions.
Nominate 11 small blogs with fewer than 200 followers who you believe deserve the award and include their links. 
Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. 

As I have been nominated twice I have picked out a handful of questions to answer. 
1. What is one thing you dislike about blogging?
How time consuming it can be sometimes and if you have a job as well you tend to loose natural lighting for pictures. 

2. Favourite song at the minute?

3. What is the most important less you have learnt in life?
That you don't need all the friends in the world to be happy. 

4. Favourite blog at the minute?
Samantha from She makes me want to buy pretty stationary. 

5. Best advise to all new bloggers who are just starting out?
Just be yourself and write about what you want to write about. 

6. Why did you start a blog?
I wanted to do something new, wanted a new hobby and it is a great way to meet new people. 

7. Can you cook?
Not really but luckily enough Glen can. 

8. Where is the most amazing place you have ever been?
Isle of white! Compton bay is beautiful. 

9. How would you change your life to make it better? 
If I could have anything I would have my dream job and dream house. 

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people don't do things and just leave everything lying about. 

11. Favourite quote?
'I know I'm in my own little world but they know me here'

I nominate:
Samantha from
Jess from
Katie from
Bobby from
Krista from
Maddie from
Joksie from
Rhian from
Clare from
Lucy from
Annet from

My questions are:
1. What is your favourite quote?
2. Where would you like to be in five years?
3. Top five bloggers?
4. Top five youtubers?
5. What is your favourite shop?
6. What makeup product can you not live without?
7. What food could you eat everyday?
8. What are your favourite flowers? 
9. Where would you want to live if money was no object?
10. What would you do if you won the lottery?
11. Shoe or bag kind of girl?

Once again thank you for the nominations. 


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  1. Well done on the nomination :) Rebecca | ♥
