Blogmas Day 12 | Weight Loss Chat.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Firstly I have no idea where this post is going but I was looking through old pictures yesterday and it made me realise even though I might not be the weight I want to be at the moment I have come an incredible long way. I find that a lot of the pictures on the left don't even look like me. It has taken me around three years to get where I am now and as I previously said I am defiantly not the weight I want to be but my news years resolution is to loose weight. I know a lot of us say it and never stick to it but knowing that our wedding will be in 2017 I feel this will give me the motivation and kick up the backside I need. 
When I started my journey I never in a million years thought I would loose three stone never mind the THIRTEEN I have lost over the past three years. It has been tough and I have a lot of challenges to face in between but I am still here to tell the story and to show that hard work and determination does really pay off. 

As I said in the beginning this post doesn't really make much sense, even after re-reading it I am still a bit unsure but I am not writing this post to brag or for people to praise me but because for the first time in years I feel good about how I look and have finally starting accepting myself for who I am. 

A picture can speak a thousand words. 


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  1. Well done!! Glad you posted this, sometimes it may feel like you're bragging but this is an encouragement for anyone else going through weight loss struggles. Keep working it girl, you've got plenty time before the big day!


    Kara Chelsie
